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Tanner Gives Straight Dick – Andy Adler & Tanner Valentino

Lucy Lotus, is the bait on this bus. Andy Adler is begging for some dick, especially some warm dick. Driving by the beach Lucy spots a hunky dude by the sidewalk. Tanner Valentino stepped up to the bus wanting to do nothing with Lucy, but for some money we got him in the bus to chat. We told him our real experiment was not to banf lucy, but to see if he gets hard for Andy. He paid him hansomly for him to try. Andy sucked Tanners soft dick and in a matter of seconds, boom! Tanner was hard as a rock. Putting it in Andys ass wasn’t an issue either for tanner. Andy looked like he could barely take Tanners dick in his ass. Until Andy was riding his cock like a champ; Later, Tanner got Andy to spread his legs wide open and take it in missionary with his supported by the bus seatbelts. Tannner, soon pops right in Andy’s face for the very first time.
