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The Bear and the Bait – Andy Adler & Daniel Edwards

Andy Adler and Lucy Lotus are cruising Miami when they spot Daniel Edwards, a cute, chubby Puerto Rican bear walking along the sidewalk in a green top and black sweatpants. Lucy quickly sizes him up and leans out the window with a warm smile. “Hey, need a ride?” Daniel glances at her, looking skeptical. “I’m good, just grabbing some food.” Lucy grins. “How about we make your day more interesting? We’ll pay you for your time—real cash.” Daniel pauses, curiosity piqued. “What’s the deal?” “Hop in, and we’ll explain,” Lucy replies, leaving the details vague. Daniel hesitates but steps into the van, the promise of quick money too tempting to ignore. Once inside, Lucy lays out the twist—it’s Andy he needs to spend time with for the cash. Daniel laughs nervously. “Not my thing,” he says, shaking his head. Lucy ups the offer, doubling the amount. The figure is too good to pass up. With some coaxing, Daniel agrees, though still hesitant. Andy starts, and Daniel’s nerves slowly dissolve as the moment heats up. Afterward, Daniel pockets the cash, stepping out of the van with a smirk. “That was… unexpected,” he says, heading back down the street.
