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Tanner Valentino & Maverick Shadow – I Own Your Ass

Tanner, a school bully hiding a secret gay crush, finds Maverick alone in the locker room and hassles him a bit. Maverick blows him off and heads to the shower. Tanner has been checking Maverick for a while now and can’t stop thinking about the cute young twink’s smooth body. Determined to get a taste of it, Tanner decides to surprise Maverick in the shower. Maverick tries to leave, but Tanner forces himself onto him. Maverick is a bit shocked to discover that his bully actually has the hots for him, but deep down, he has also fantasized about the idea of his rival tearing his hole with his meaty cock. He imagined that Tanner was packing, but he never suspected that his bully would be so well-hung. Trapped by both his bully’s strong arms and his darkest desires, Maverick lets Tanner take both his ass and his lunch money.


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