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The Mansion – Denis Vega & Noel Santoro

Denis Vega is back and he’s showing Noel Santoro the tricks of the trade in ‘The Mansion’. Denis is a wealthy, sophisticated man. He knows what he likes, and he gets what he wants. Sipping on scotch while he struts around his mansion, Denis comes upon Noel relaxing in his pool. Noel has an awesome swimmer’s body with a bubble but that begs to get rammed. And Denis is in the mood for it! Noel waits no time wrapping his moist, plump lips around Denis’s hard cock. This is a blow job that Denis won’t soon forget. In return, he slides his tongue straight into Noel’s wide-open hole. Seriously, the site of Noel on his knees with his hole gaping and slick with Denis’s spit is enough to get anybody off, but Denis needs more. He pumps Noel’s ass like crazy before they climax so hard even you’ll feel it.


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