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The Meeting Point – Brian Davilla & Sir Jet

Another NSA hook-up, this time with a straight man who needs to drop a load, and a gay man who just needs cock. Brian Davilla plays the straight, married man who can’t get away until his wife leaves for work. Sir Jet, on the other hand, single and carefree, amuses himself with a dildo at The Meeting Point, a secluded spot where men go–especially men on the down-low–for a bit of fun. While Sir Jet waits for Brian, he sucks, then mounts an enormous dildo. While fucking himself on the toy, Brian walks in, already hard. He immediately whips his cock out, flips Sir Jet onto his back, and slides home. No kissing. No dick sucking… that comes later. No chit-chat. This is the encounter many of us dream of because we don’t want to know names. We don’t want to start a relationship. Just pump and dump. After bareback fucking Sir Jet for a while, Brian gets the hungry whore to drop to his knees for some ATM cock sucking. But once there’s more lube coating his shaft, Brian turns Sir Jet around and really goes to town. Sir Jet grunts and groans with every thrust as Brian grabs Sir Jet’s waist and pounds away. Brian breeds Sir Jet then laps up some of his own cum, already oozing out of Sir Jet, who then turns around and explodes all over Brian’s hairy chest. Whew! Someone pass the cumrag this way, will ya?


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