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Tom Bentley & Mitch Cox – Top Training

Tom’s a highly talented young athlete, a natural sportsman. Every coach in this college wants him on their team. Actually, if I’m being entirely honest, I think they’re equally as eager to explore his talents off the football pitch! He’s certainly one of those boys who exudes a kind of sexual power. And he’s intrigued me since I first laid eyes on him. Then, of course, there’s the matter of the bulge in his pants! It genuinely doesn’t seem to matter what he wears, there’s always a bulge—and it’s always impressive. The only question is whether or not he knows how to use it! I guess it’s been a few weeks since I started to flirt quite openly with him. I’d flash him a few smiles, hold his gaze, use a bit of unnecessary physical contact. He seemed to take everything in his stride, however, and immediately started flirting back quite openly. In fact, it was Tom who suggested we go back to my office after the training session yesterday. We got into my office and almost as soon as I’d closed the door, he was all over me. As we kissed, I pushed him toward the couch in the corner. I loved the feeling of our bodies wrapped around each other. His tight, teenaged torso locked against my rock solid chest. He was plainly angling to take control, and I was in no position to fight back! Moments later, I found myself stripped down to just my jock and on my knees, dutifully sucking the hell out of the boy’s giant, cut dick. He was moaning appreciatively and I was doing everything I could to make him groan even more. I felt entirely out of control. He pushed me down onto the couch and pulled my legs back so that he could get that talented teenaged tongue inside my hole. Before long I was buzzing. His tongue sent ripples of intense pleasure all the way through my body. It was like coming up on some kind of weird drug. It seems bizarre to admit that my body somehow needed his dick, but that’s exactly how it felt. I just wanted more and more of him inside me. It wasn’t long before he was feeding his huge dick into me and lemme tell you, it hurt like hell! I had to focus to regulate my breathing as he inched it in. It’s been a heck of a long time since I’ve struggled so much to take a guy. I could feel my eyes widening and watering with the shock of it!


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