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Travis & Graham’s Double Loads

Travis is on a bit of an enthusiastic dick-sucking tour of CF right now. While we all know and love Travis for being such an eager bottom and such a skilled top, I think he returned to CF intent on showing us all he can suck dick with the best of ‘em, and he does precisely that here while working over Graham’s impressive cock at the outset of their pairing. Make no mistake, though – it’s the fucking that’s the main event for Travis, and certainly the main event for Graham once Travis gets his big dick buried in Graham’s hole and starts to pound away. The upperclassman goes to town on Graham’s ass, and Graham is loving every bit – and every hard inch! – of it. Graham finds himself on the receiving end of a hard, fast, deep dicking and Travis find himself a bottom that may just like taking a furious fuck as much as he does! The results speak – and moan, groan, grunt, and gasp – for themselves!


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