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Ty Santana & Kyle Michaels – Ty, the All-Star Stalker

It’s time for Ty’s second All-Star feature – this time, he’s in charge. We saw Ty in the previous episode fuck a home invader, living out his darkest and kinkiest fantasy. But now, Ty is the one doing the home invasion, and after finding out the details of his online crush, he makes his way to Kyle’s house for a sneaky fuck. Ty has had his eyes on Kyle for some time, admiring the hunks rippling body and dreaming about the taste of his cock. Soon, Ty gets his chance to explore Kyle’s body in a big way. All tied up and completely submissive, and Kyle gets used by Ty to the fullest extent. As scared as he is, he is totally turned on and loves every second of the kinky encounter. Ty takes good care of Kyle and pleasures his big, throbbing white cock, working hard to milk the cum out of him. Has Ty gone too far, or do you want to see this hung black stud go even further?


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