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Uncle Got Fucked by My Friends

There are people in life who are lucky to participate in situations full of lust. Unexpected situations happen. This is Samuel Javier’s case, who has an uncle who is a model. They always go out to a sports routines. Samuel was waiting for his uncle to have lunch at his house, but on the way, Samuel met 2 friends who were also sports fans, Marcos Vinicius who was with his Skate and Ric Vilarimm who was on a Bike, Samuel, invited his friends to go to his uncle’s house too! When they get home the boys make comments about his uncle, because he was looking at other guys on the street in a different way, for Marcos and Ric’s surprise, Samuel heard what they were talking about, they talked about the different behavior of the uncle, so they made a bet to confirm that sexual suspicion about his uncle. But the surprise was for Samuel who found his friends with the cock inside his uncle’s ass and the other in his mouth, he was surprised just like his uncle, only as they are open-minded and naughty kids, they agreed to have sex all after the excited request of the uncle. The uncle took a lot of cocks on his face and ass. The boys put him to suck their feet, armpits, feet in the ass, banging, slapping spits and even piss. Wow, I’ve already watched this video, I swear I came 5 times, because each scene of the very horny, you can’t wait for the end and hit just one!


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