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Use It – Ryan Carter & Jason Angel

Jason Angel is doing laps in the pool when Ryan Carter steps out onto the balcony. Aroused by the dark-haired hunk, Ryan gropes himself and beckons. Jason, unable to resist, approaches. The muscled hunk immediately drops to his knees and starts sucking. But Ryan needs to know Jason is still submissive. The aggressive top fucks Jason’s face, thrusting in and out of his hungry mouth. Ryan soon turns around and offers up his ass for Jason to eat, which he does, still on the balcony, while the sun begins to set. Night falls as Ryan slides his curved, raw cock inside Jason and uses his hole. The two soon take it inside where Ryan bareback fucks Jason like the whore that he is, and Ryan can scream out, as loud as he wants. Ryan spews all over Jason’s hairy, freshly fucked hole, seeding it with his protein. He then sucks the jizz out of Jason, swallowing most of his load, then sharing it with Jason.


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