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Wade Wolfgar, Jake Nicola & Julian Grey – Loaded: Give It To Me Raw!

Vacation sex between lovers on a great big bed can be the best, and what better way to make a new friend than for beefy uncut muscle daddy Wade Wolfgar to offer up his eager-to-please playmate Jake Nicola’s obedient hole to their tall and horse-hung buddy Julian Gray? With a submissive gleam in his eye, a boyish face on a man’s body and a willing whimper, woofy bear cub Jake can take it like a champ and surrenders his eager raw ass, especially when Julian swaps out and Wade dominates him bareback, plowing Jake on his back and all fours. The huge grin on his mug speaks loads as Jake happily takes Wade to the hilt and deepthroats Julian. Soon it’s Julian’s turn to get impaled, and Jake rolls over to show off his impressive tool. Julian squats down and rides Jake hard, opening his own hole and priming it for Wade’s even bigger trade. Jake and Wade tag out once more with Julian on his back taking ’em on, until all three explode in a sweat-drenched, cum-dripping climax.


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