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Zach Covington, Fame & Knockout

Just take a look at Twink-boi Zach Covington! He’s horny — again. And he’s on social media looking for a quick hook-up — again! Even though he’s 22, Zach looks like he’s barely-legal…which means his ManPussy is tight tight tight! Zach’s always fantasized about size, and today he thinks he’s just landed two handsome, buffed men! And their pics show a lot of size! One thing tho…is Zach Covington getting “Catfished”? Only one way to find out! As Zach is waiting for his men to arrive, why not warm up with a hot, JO Session? Hairless twinks JOing are always a delight, but even better is when Zach’s studs show up — and they’re legit! No Catfishing here! And there’s so much size, Zach’s not sure if his little twink butthole is up for the task! But sure enough, Zach can take a pounding, as well as two hefty cumshots, as his dudes literally drench Zach in their sweet sticky stuff! Zach blew a big load, too! Now all Zach is concerned with is how to clean all that cum off his beautiful green sofa!!


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