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Liam Skye & Deep Dicc

Liam just got accepted to a new college and while he is so excited he is sad that he is going to have to leave his summer love behind. So while his parents are still out of town Liam invites Deep over for one last fling before he goes. Out by the pool with some sweet kisses quickly proceeds to Liam having his head shoved down to Deep’s cock just how a strong man should. Fucking his throat open is just the beginning and Deep bending Liam over for a taste of his boy butt. Liam is lost in pleasure when they hear the neighbors door open and they scramble inside to continue in Liam’s room. Wasting no more time Liam begs for that Deep Dic inside of him. Kneeling over Liam buries his face in a pillow taking all 10 inches. But after not long he gets up and rides that dick trying to get as much inside him as he can. That sweet ass on Liam milks the cum from Deep’s cock followed by Liam’s blast and blissful smile that follows.


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