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Serving Ty Roderick’s Tasty Cock to JJ Lake & Marco Napoli!

Marco Napoli and JJ Lake have been together for a while now and with their careers going very well they have decided to treat themselves to hiring a manservant to help out around the house. Well when hiring they both could not help but notice Ty Roderick’s substantial bulge as well. But when talking amongst themselves they hoped he might avail them of his other services as well. After serving a light lunch of tasty eats, JJ & Marco agree this house Man has potential. And the next order Ty serves them is a plate full of his huge cock letting them know he is what they are looking for. Marco has his eager hands on the cock in a moment. Followed by his deep throat. But Marco wants to be the center of attention and drops to his knees to service both men at the same time. Ty is happy to lay as much cock down as this new employer needs and seals the deal with his own load onto Marco’s chest.


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