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Andy Adler & Wyatt Clark – Wyatt is an Expensive Date

We pulled up on Wyatt today, and Wynn was a little disappointed she had to set the honey pot. I think she wanted to fuck him for real. Alas the bait bus got to bait bus yo. He thought she was crazy anyway, and rightfully felt we were up to something. I offered him three grand just to talk to us in the van, and he eventually agreed. Then I came down on him like a brick. I told him about our experiment and tried to get him to fuck Andy. He did the usual rigamarole, but agreed to let Andy suck his dick with the get hard test for thirteen thousand dollars. I think the most expensive gay for pay yet. Once Andy put his mouth on him, he indeed got hard. Wyatt was a man of his word and fucked Andy. He let off a huge load to. I hope he was not saving it for some lucky lady. But with Thirteen grand he can buy her something nice.
