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Backroom Sex Diaries Part 2 – Liam Greer & AJ Marshall

Liam Greer is standing alone in the backroom and we can tell his is obviously nervous by the way he is fidgeting. AJ Marshall walks in and likes what he sees and also senses he is nervous. He guides Liam’s trembling hand to his chest as he asks him if he is nervous and if this is his first time. Liam can barely speak, but says yes it is. With than, AJ takes the lead and starts making out with him and groping him. He drops to his knees and pulls out Liam’s cock and starts sucking him. Liam loves it and soon he is on his knees sucking AJ’s big hard cock. AJ bends Liam over the work bench and rims his ass. He then drives his cock deep into Liam’s eager ass and fucks him hard and deep. AJ picks Liam up and carries him to the fuck bench and puts him down on his back and continues to fuck him deeper and harder. Liam cannot hold back and shoots all over himself. AJ pulls out and has Liam lick his balls while he jerks off his cock and shoots a huge load all over Liam.


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