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Bearing Down – Jack Dyer & Joel Someone

If you like domineering daddies decked out in leather, you’re going to love Jack Dyer in this smutty, trash talking, hard action bareback scene. Daddy Jack is dirty and vocal as he commands Joel Someone to suck on his pierced cock. Joel doesn’t just suck. He gags and chokes on Jack’s throbbing tool with the look of a true submissive. When Jack is ready, he props Joel up on all fours to eat his ass. The bearded bottom’s cries are boner inducing, but Jack’s dirty talk will make you bear down, as it did Joel. Jack knows how to fuck, and clearly hits the spot, but sometimes the fucker needs to get fucked. Daddy offers up his ass for Joel to eat and stuff. Except Joel craves more daddy cock and slides down on Jack for a deep breeding. This is one bareback fuck neither of them will soon forget!


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