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Bros of Spain: Chuecas Appetizers – Diego Spicy & Jony Star

Chueca is a neighborhood in Madrid, Spain. Located in central Madrid, It is a lively, gay-friendly neighborhood with cozy sidewalk cafes, tapas bars, restaurants, and vibrant nightlife. Jony Star is an excited young jock who’s visiting the city solo and accidentally wanders into Chueca. As he tries to find his way out of the area, he bumps into Diego Spicy, another young stud on the streets – and asks for directions. Jony is looking for recommendations so he can live his Madrid visit to the fullest and trusts Diego to lead the way. After heading to Diego’s place for a quick change before going out for a taste of the city, they decide to stay in for a guaranteed snack. Enjoy these Bros of Spain, and let us know what you think!


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