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Daddy Want 3 – Dani Robles & Jony Star

Sexy boy Jony Star stops by Dani Robles’ house to drop off some class notes for Danny’s nephew Ruben, who’s gone to the gym. Dani tells Jony that it is nice to see him all grown up and invites him inside to wait for his friend. Dani tells Jony to make himself home and call for him if he needs anything. Horny, Jony stares at the portrait of Mr. Robles hanging on the wall and starts jerking his cock. When Dani finds Jony jacking off, he quickly decides that “Daddy Wants” and offers help. What does a horny young stud do when his best friend’s uncle offers to service his stiff cock? Accept, of course. Dani Robles begins by jerking off and sucking Jony’s cock and fingering his tight hole. But Daddy also wants servicing, and he pulls down his pants and offers his cock. Dani eats and fingers the delicious ass before slamming the young hole raw. In the cowboy position, Dany sits while Jony sits and rides him, facing each other until the young horny stud cums all over Daddy’s shirt and tie. Jony climbs down on his knees and jerks the milk out of Dani, whose juice squirts all over his shirt and jacket. What Daddy Robles Wants, Daddy Robles Gets!


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