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Bryan Knight & Dolf Dietrich

Our favorite Norse porn god, Bryan Knight, is paired up with equally hot Dolf Dietrich. The two are quite striking. Blond, hairy and bearded Bryan is beefier while dark-haired Dolf is smooth, thinner, and heavily tattooed. But there’s one thing these two have in common and that’s their sex drive. It’s high and intense. The two start off with some heavy foreplay, spitting into each others mouths, breathing in each others man scent while licking armpits, and turning up the heat even further with some nipple chewing. But the action quickly moves south, towards Dolf’s cock. Bryan drops to his knees to service Dolf and gags while trying to deep throat the studs meat but it doesn’t deter him. And then there’s the ball worship. Bryan and Dolf devolve from there, turning into sexual demons complete with pig snorting, ass rimming, more spitting and intense grunting and groaning. Dolf takes ownership of Bryan’s big hairy ass, spanking him as his primal instincts guide him and tell him what to do. Then, when Bryan’s hole is primed and lubed only with spit, Dolf mounts that meaty ass and WHAM! He’s in with one fell swoop and goes to town pumping Bryan full of cock, bareback fucking the pig whore before giving up his own sweet ass. Trust us when we say he takes it just as good as he can give, and in a porn world full of “fuck yeahs” these two verbally command each other like pros, pushing each other with hot dirty talk that’s as arousing as watching them flip fuck bareback.


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