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Michael Love & Steve Sommers

Bearded otter Steve Sommers and bearded cub Michael Love get busy with some sensual, playful, and very giggly foreplay. Michael’s giggles might be more about nerves, since this is his very first scene with us, but sometimes sex can be fun. Goodness knows it makes us feel good, which in turns makes us happy. So why not have a few laughs? Except the giggles seem to come and go, depending on whether he’s got cock in his mouth, a thick wet tongue lapping at his hungry hole, or Steve’s throbbing hard cock up his ass. Steve shows Michael that there is definitely a very serious side to bareback fucking and that’s because it feels so goddamn amazing there’s no room for anything but the pleasure of rutting like a couple of manwhores, moaning and grunting and screaming like a bitch in heat until you get that jizz.
