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Owen Powers & Daxton Ryker

On a gorgeous day in sunny Fort Lauderdale, Owen Powers is super horny while at Inn Leather. Lucky for him beefy muscle hunk Daxton Ryker is there, just as horned and ready for action. The beefy bruiser doesn’t hesitate approaching bearded hairy Owen, who strokes a big fat long cock. He’s soon chowing down on Daxton’s cock, pleasing the muscled hunk whose smooth tattooed body looks amazing in a black jockstrap. Now, there are those who will tell you that the bigger the guy or the bigger the cock, the more on top he is. We beg to differ, especially when it comes to hung bareback bottoms like Owen who know exactly what they want and are aggressive about getting that cock, giving orders, and having that itch scratched that can only be satisfied by a fat, raw cock on a muscle hunk, pounding away at your hole. Owen gets bossy, telling Daxton what he wants and Dax, good man that he is, gives Owen exactly what he needs and want…a blowjob, a good rimjob and a bareback fuck that delivers a splattering of seed all over Owen’s hungry, loose and sloppy, hairy and raw ass. Daxton slides home after spraying his jizz, seeding the bottom cum whore who blows a load of his own.


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