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Like Animals – Marc Giacomo & Steve Sommers

Steve Sommers needs a good throat fucking, and there’s no one better to give it to him than Marc Giacomo. Steve gags and drools, producing an enormous amount of spit. In fact, when Marc pulls out, we get to see just how much, as it leaks off his uncut tool. Marc proceeds to give Steve a balls-deep face fuck, using his mouth as a sheath for his cock. Just don’t be surprised if you groan, or your mouth waters, when Marc leans over for a moment of mutual oral! Marc is in full command as he takes charge of Steve’s body, claiming not just his mouth, but his ass as well, fingering and stretching out his spit-lubed hole. When Marc finally slides into Steve, bareback fucking the cock whore, he delivers the type of performance that will make even the most die-hard Top question his dominance. Especially when Marc blows, erupting with one of the biggest, long-distance cum shots ever. Like fucking animals…


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