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Steve Sommers & Marco Bolt

It was inevitable that one day we’d pair up Steve Sommers with Marco Bolt, especially since Steve has been wanting a go at the bearded hottie’s big cock for a while now. Each still wearing their leather harness, fresh from a drink at a leather bar, the two waste little time with making out and go straight for some cock-in-mouth action. Steve deep throats Marco like his life depends on it, even as he savors the hairy hunk’s cock juice. The dick sucking is good but it’s only enough to whet Marco’s appetite as the hairy beefy fucker is soon bareback fucking cock hungry Steve. He even takes time to pull out and drizzle some of that cock honey all over Steve’s hole for further lubrication. And the bearded bottom otter fucking loves it because despite tapping his inner top as of late, he’s still a big bottom for a big hairy hung man who knows how to use his cock to punch all the right buttons. Then again, if you were a top and you saw Marco coming at you with that hard-on and dripping pre-cum, you’d be on your back with your legs up, just like Steve, faster than you can say, “fuck me bareback, daddy!”


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