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Casting Couch – Edu Albuquerque & Maicky

Edu Albuquerque scheduled an actor test with Maicky, but what he didn’t remember is that he didn’t have any other actor scheduled to play opposite him during the test with the candidate. So he suggests to Maicky that he do a one-on-one face-to-face test for the camera, as the team will later review the footage to see if he will pass or not. Maicky is interviewed and during the interview his dick gets hard and the way is to take advantage of the fact that Edu is there to do the live test with the producer’s owner. Edu can’t resist the nasty’s 24cm dowry and falls head over heels for his juicy cock. Maicky leaves Edu on dogstyle and starts to fuck his ass, leaving him horny and making him moan with pleasure in his thick and huge cock. Edu can’t resist the size of Maicky’s dick and gives his ass willingly to the whore who is delighted to feel Edu’s ass opening up with his huge member entering it. At the end of the test, Maicky gives his load to Edu’s mouth, who is amazed at the potential of the candidate for a new actor and super approves of his performance. And do you approve of Maicky’s performance too?


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