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Czech Hunter 462

This was a boring day. At least the weather was okay so I went for a walk searching for a nice outdoor action. The streets were empty because it was almost lunch time. After 20 minutes I bumped into this dude. He was from Plzen and didn’t know Prague very well, which didn’t matter at all. I had a good look at him right away and what I saw was interesting. Definitely worth throwing a few Crowns his way. The young man liked money a lot and agreed to follow me into a nearby forest. He gave me a pretty sweet blowjob and then revealed his tight and shaved asshole. It got me so horny that I didn’t waste time and put my cock right in there. He clenched his virgin hole around my cock while I was thrusting deep inside of him. My god, it felt so good! I can’t wait to see the guy again. I got his number…


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