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Czech Hunter 470

I could see this young man from far away. He was probably the tallest guy I have ever seen. Way higher than me. He was also quite cute. I was really curious if his cock was as big as he was tall. We started chatting and I eventually managed to push us towards the topic I was interested in. The boy took my money and followed me to my car. That is always a good sign. We moved to my friend’s place and the real fun started. This blond cutie was straight but knew what men like in bed. He gave me a beautiful blowjob. I couldn’t wait to give his ass nice banging. The dude took my cock quite well and enjoyed the ride. To my surprise he even let me cum into his mouth. Guys in Prague are definitely getting slutty… I’m glad he gave me his number, now I need him to bring friends along. That would be fun…


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