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Czech Hunter 521

Girlfriends can be real bitches sometimes. I advice everyone to stay away from them. Just look at this poor guy. He loved his girlfriend and moved with her. They had a nice time together and then she found another dude. Of course, our poor fellow got dumped and kicked out of her flat. She didn’t even bother to give him his stuff back. So he spent a sleepless winter night out, walking around Prague. I met him in the morning, he was sitting on a park bench, devastated. His life looked pretty bleak so I tried to cheer him up a bit. The guy needed roof over his head and I was ready to help him. I took him to my place, gave him some nice cash, and even arranged a hostel room for him. For my generosity, I expected only a little favor in return. The dude was very thankful and took a very good care of me.


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