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Czech Hunter 606

This cute dude was delivering a food order when I approached him. He was a poor student working as a courier to make a bit of money to survive. I was both hungry and horny, so I convinced the guy to ignore the customer and eat the food with me instead. I also convinced him to show me his naked body, of course. He was nice enough to drive us to his place. This curly angel was making me so horny that my undies were wet from pre-cum… Well, I didn’t have sex for two days. I would pay anything to have fun with him. Thank god he was reasonable. I simply coughed up a few thousand Crowns and my cock was sliding down his throat. The guy even enjoyed riding on my fat horny dick. It was crazy. I just wanted to destroy his sweet ass. In the end I covered his entire face with cum so much he couldn’t see a thing.


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