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Dirty Scout 258

ADMIN NOTICE: After reviewing this scene, we noticed many fake fucking moments, the lack of penetration close-ups only confirms this, therefore we decided not to categorize it as anal/bareback.

This young man was interesting. He studied agriculture and then worked at a farm for some time. He liked the job, the only problem there was his boss. You know, the dude was quite handsome, and I am gay. Finding him a good new job was the only solution in the end. That was why he got in my office. I found him a new and better job but there was a catch. He couldn’t afford to pay our mediation fee and was too proud to borrow money. I was really getting horny because this was a real cutie sitting right in front of me. To my surprise, he agreed to undress and work the fee off. Maybe I was good looking and didn’t stink of manure, unlike his former boss. I also had plenty of money in my pockets, which probably did the trick.


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