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Every Week For A Year – Zack Acland & Cooper Roads

Ginger lovers rejoice! You’re about to get not one, but two redheads in once scene bareback scene! Zack Acland, a tattooed, bearded and hairy muscle bear makes out with bearded and tattooed Cooper Roads. The otter is soon on his knees, servicing his Top, but sometimes, even Tops need to suck dick. After Zack slobbers on Cooper’s uncut tool, he all but devours the delicate pink morsel as if savoring medallions of filet mignon. Once Cooper is stretched open and properly spit-lubed, Zack slides his fat cock home. As he fucks Cooper bareback, Zack sends the bottom into orbit. But Cooper likes to pound his own hole and goes for a ride. He spews a huge load all over Zack’s furry belly and keeps on riding until Zack is ready to blow. The beefy hunk pumps out a thick and creamy batch of protein that Cooper savors and swallows.


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