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High Voltage – Henrique Paire & Ramon Picon

Henrique using his cell phone and realizes that the energy on his lamp is not working, then he also notices that the Wi-Fi signal has dropped and then he realizes that the apartment has no power. So Henrique starts working in the Home Office modality and cannot run out of energy. Henrique calls the reception and realizes that there is normal energy in the building, so he decides to call an electrician to check the energy in his apartment, as he urgently needs help. Arriving at the place, the electrician is greeted by Henrique and is directed to the light board, where he ends up getting shocked and falls to the ground with fright and becomes dizzy. Henrique tries to help him by asking if everything is okay and what he’s feeling, he replies that he’s fine, but he’s feeling a tingling all over his body. Henrique tries to help the electrician Ramon and ends up realizing that he has an erection under his uniform due to the shock, so Henrique asks if everything is working well and Ramon replies that you can only tell by testing it, so the two start to fuck so good.


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