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Incident 228: His Destiny Is Toilet Whore – Wade Hicks
July 19, 2019
29 min
They say that cleanliness is next to godliness, but here at the House we just think that it’s another step in building character. Throwing off old ways always includes a new respect for oneself – and for one’s environment. With this is mind, slacking when it comes to chores is strictly enforced. It’s hard to believe that even with all of the time on their hands, these residents would rather stay glued to a device than do simple cleaning. They are sometimes like pigs, but we intend to change that.
This resident in particular never cleaned and had an attitude about it. He needed some special attention, and the House Manager gave it to him. Marched into the bathroom, he was instructed to clean the toilet and the shower – with his tongue. While he was at it, the Manager decides to leave a real impression on him, and whipped out his cock. This guy looked so nasty licking up the shower floor that it wasn’t a far stretch to get him on his knees slurping up dick. And it wasn’t pretty – at least from his perspective. But after gagging and spitting on this jerk off, he got fucked to top it off. With his head freshly wet from having the toilet flushed on it, his legs were raised into the air to give a nice view of his hole. That ass was about to be as sullied as the bathroom had been, too. Fucked every which way hopefully served him as a memorable experience on which he will be able to reflect as he continues his recovery, including the load of cum that was dumped into his filthy mouth. Most of the residents are useless, but this nasty whore really is a more of a useless prig than the others. Probably his destiny is this given his track record.
The House Manager exposes this resident for the toilet whore that he really is. Check out the brutal bathroom treatment!