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Jack Winters Gets Fucked by Alex Mecum for Fake Cash

Alex Mecum and his friend Valentina Jewels were driving through Miami with the plan to pick up straight guys for Alex to fuck. They spotted a cute guy close to the airport. Valentina did her seduction part and lured Jack Winters into the van. She blindfolded him and promised a blowjob. Obviously Alex and Valentina switched places and Alex started to suck the dick. After a couple of minutes Valentina started to talk about the quality of the bj and Jack realized it can’t be her sucking him. He took off his blindfold and jumped in shock. He is not gay! Well it took some convincing. promising a hot night of sex with Valentina plus $5000 in cash to get Jack to agree to his first gay adventures. Jack was supposed to be the top but he couldn’t get it up so roles got switched. Alex fucked him in missionary and in doggy. Luckily Alex had a big dick and he made every in and out count. After he came on Jack’s butt Jack was getting his pay out but the money turned out as fake as Valentina’s tits. The van quickly sped off leaving Jack stranded..
