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Liam Stretches Adriano Out

Every single time we post an episode featuring Liam, his popularity grows. He was a hit when he first appeared on the site, with that tall, buff frame and big, uncut cock. As handsome and as hot as Liam is, though, it’s his sexual skills and how much he clearly loves getting it on to get off that really blew tons of us away and continues to do so whenever we see him in a new round of action. He has to be one of the most sexual, sensual, fun-loving and intense guys we’ve had in ages! Adriano gets to experience and enjoy all of Liam’s sexual charms in this episode – swallowing as much of Liam’s big cock as he can before giving his hole up to Liam for a hard, deep drilling. Adriano’s worked over many a partner with his own thick uncut dick so he’s more than up for the task of taking on Liam’s, and clearly wants and needs Liam’s dick by the time Liam’s done licking and fingering his hole. As intensely as Liam pounds Adriano’s hole here, Liam shows himself to be quite the selfless and generous top, hungrily swallowing the load he spent this entire episode fucking out of Adriano!


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