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Logan Chapter 2 – Big Ryan’s Home

After their hot session in the janitor’s closet, Big Ryan could not get enough of Logan’s tight little body. It was always hard for them to sneak away at school, so Ryan brought the young man back to his place. Ryan is so much taller that he could practically tuck the young guy in his wallet! Once in the giant’s home, Logan’s cock swelled to think of getting fucked again. Ryan leaned down to meet the boy’s soft lips, kissing him sweetly as he felt his own massive cock growing in his pants. Needing to feel the boys mouth on his shaft, he pulled down his pants and sat on the couch to let him suck him. He knew that the boy could never reach his cock on his knees alone, so this gave him the chance to feel it hit the back of his throat like he likes! With a warm, wet cock hard and ready, Ryan bent the toned boy over on all fours and plowed his big, raw cock in his tight, hungry hole. Ryan had to brace himself by holding onto the edge of the couch to keep his thrusts from pushing the boy over the sides. Just from the sheer size difference, fucking his tight, light little body was like fucking a sex toy–almost no resistance or weight to keep from flying forward! Logan planted his hands into the cushions, trying to keep from being thrown around from the man’s deep drilling. His hole tightened around his raw cock, hoping to keep a good grip on him until he blasted his load deep inside. Ryan felt like a god! Powerful, tall, in control, and in total possession of his little pocket bottom. Smacking his ass and talking to him dirty, he felt free of the constraints of fucking in the semi-public utilitiy closet. Now, he could fuck as hard and as intense as he wanted. And good boy Logan moaned with delight as he felt his body fucked and filled like he’d only fantasized!


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