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Milking Danny Fontana

Hot and handsome Danny Fontana is shackled and blindfolded on the beg. Naked and hard too he is joined by a helper who starts to wank the stiff cock. The hands tweak Danny’s nipples too and then a chain is wrapped around the big balls. The clamps are attached to the balls as the stiff cock is wanked. Danny moans as he feels the clamps. They are released and attached to his nipples. Then the cock and balls are oiled. The stiff cock is wanked hard and fast as Danny keeps moaning. The balls are tied up as well as the cock throbs. The blindfold is removes so Danny can watch. He moans more as his dick is take right to the edge. Then a vibrating massager rubs over the stiff cock as well. Danny legs are raised so his hot hole can be fingered deep. The stiff cock is wanked more as the tight hole is fingered. The the vibrator is pressed onto the tight hole as the dick is wanked more. The legs are lowered and Danny’s nipples are worked by a stimulator. That is used on hs tight hole too. Then his balls are untied and the stiff cock is wanked hard until the hot cum shoots all over the sexy body.


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