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Pitch A Tent – Ace Banner & Cole Blue

I’ve had my eye on Scout Cole for some time now. Frankly, it would be hard for any red-blooded male not to have noticed him. He’s way more grown-up than the other boys. He’s tall, blond, well-built and so handsome. A reliable source tells me that he’s also into older dudes. I’ve recently made it my mission to get some alone time with him. It took me a while to get there, but in the end, the opportunity was handed to me on a golden platter when the boy actually approached me. He asked for some tips on tent-pitching which I found a little confusing. Scout Cole has every badge under the sun and learning how to put a tent up is pretty basic stuff. I couldn’t for the life of me think why someone hadn’t drilled that particular skill into him. By all accounts he’s had pretty much everything else drilled into him!
