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Sleepover – Jon Shield & Cooper Roads

Cooper Roads is a good son who loves his mom. In fact, he loves her so much he’s agreed to take in her boyfriend overnight since Mom’s sister is visiting. And since Mom is concerned about what she might say, Jon Shield is shipped off to Cooper’s. Jon doesn’t seem to be too thrilled at first, but Cooper is delighted. You see, Cooper has a thing for Jon, and now Cooper has the man almost where he wants. Cooper tells Jon there’s beer in the fridge and a good line-up on cable. But when Jon asks what else is there, Cooper says a lot by not saying anything at all. Next thing you know Cooper has Jon’s big, thick cock in his mouth and up his ass. And after plenty of making out, mutual dick sucking and balls deep bareback fucking, Jon seeds Cooper. A moment later, Jon helps Cooper unload and eats the ginger’s cum. Hmmm. It looks like mom might not get her boyfriend back, now!


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