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The Businessman: Course Correct – Bastian Karim & Sir Peter

It isn’t Bastian’s first job working for the Cabal. He understands that he is meant to be of service to these men. He is intrigued about who he will be passed around to next in this close-knit circle of powerful figures; But, just because they are clients, doesn’t mean that Bastian can’t also enjoy himself in the process. Once he gets the call, he knows he must answer. Sure enough, while enjoying his free time in the city, Bastian receives a phone call from one of his previous clients, Sir Peter, who is eager to get Bastian back on his knees. It doesn’t bother Bastian to know that what he has to offer is in demand. He makes his way to the offices of Sir Peter, licking his lips at the notion of being able to taste him again soon.
