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The Clergy: Favor – Bastian Karim & Scott Carter
July 2, 2024
27 min
In my world, I expect to meet businessmen, mobsters, and even politicians, but I didn’t expect that to be the case with the Church. These men had arguably far more to lose and far more to worry about should they ever be caught with me.
Much to my surprise, though, Father Scott doesn’t seem to fear this exposure as much. Not only has he beckoned me again, but this time, I was told to wait for him outside the confessional room in front of an altar. I have never exactly been a deeply religious person. I’ve always found the rituals, the confessions, the priest on the altar, the doctrines, and even the smell of the incense deeply fascinating. As I waited for Father Scott, all those memories came flooding back, but now they were all draped in lust and desire.
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