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The Clergy: Holiness – Bastian Karim & Scott Carter

In my line of work, there is no shortage of illicit activities you can find yourself witness to or directly a part of. Hustling for as long as I have, I have perfected my craft and both my name and face have become something akin to legend. Powerful men have found their way to me, and as is to be expected, they desire me just as much as they desire the version of me they need me to be for them. Little surprises me these days, but after realizing the mob will essentially be my intermediary to powerful men, I won’t lie and say I’m not the tiniest bit taken aback when I am notified that a man of the Church is the one who has procured me for that day. Even with the church’s reputation in tatters, there is always something peculiar when you come face-to-face with a “holy man” wanting to anoint you with his cock…
