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The Other Stepson – Eduardo Milano & Leicy Sposito

Eduardo Milano is traveling in São Paulo for a while and decided to spend a few days at his mother’s house. Arriving there he found his stepfather Leicy Spósito who hadn’t seen him for a long time. Knowing about the adventure Leicy had with his younger brother, Milano decides to get on his hot stepfather. Leicy feels lost again and doesn’t know what to do, with his hot stepson naked in front of him blackmailing him into fucking him. The family adventure begins again and Leicy can’t resist the temptation and falls on her stepson’s delicious cock getting him very horny. The two both go to the bedroom, where Leicy is made like a bitch in bed by his stepson and even plays with his huge rubber cock. Milano gets very excited and wastes no time to fuck his hot stepfather’s ass and gives the old man a hard fucking.


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