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Trent Olsen, Devin Trez & Mr Cali

Here I am home from college for the holidays and my parents away and what am I doing? Just banging away on my phone as usual. What I really want to do is get banged myself… bad. Do I dare try to hook up with the man I have always dreamed of? A big black man that can make me feel like the little slut I dream of. The guys on this Black Meet site sure are hot….and this one says says he can travel. I think that means come to see me… like here at my parents house… do I dare? Oh god yes! Look at his cock. I need a black cock like that so bad… maybe this one time… maybe… I will just give him my number and see. Oh my god he said YES! Oh shit and he wants to bring a friend too… I am gonna be such a slut.


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