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Whatever It Takes to Graduate – Jax Thirio & Jordan Lake

Jordan is close to graduating from high school, but he needs to pass Mr. Thirio’s class to do it. He is absolutely clueless about the final exam and thinks he will fail unless his teacher helps him. Mr. Thirio can’t help but notice that his student is a cute blonde twink and might help him out if he humors him. With no one else in the classroom, Jax asks his student to make a little dance for him, shaking his bubble butt all over his teacher’s crotch. Jordan makes sure to press his ass against Jax’s big bugle, triggering him to take his clothes off to spank and eat Jordan’s ass. The boy responds by swallowing his teacher’s cock and getting his face slapped with it. Jax grabs the kid and fucks him all over the classroom, opening his tight asshole with each stroke. If he can pass cock up his cum hole like that, he might be able to pass the class after all.
