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Wyatt Dicks Dylan

Wyatt sure has a grin on his face as the cameras get rolling here! And can you blame him, getting to play around with the flawlessly sexy Dylan? I suspect, at some point well before we filmed this episode and Wyatt first met and interacted with Dylan around the studio, Wyatt thought to himself, “Damn… I want to have sex with this guy!”. Because he wastes no time at all once we let them go at it – he’s grinning and he moves in to kiss and make out with Dylan, eagerly gets down between Dylan’s legs to suck Dylan’s rock-hard cock, happily kisses Dylan more whenever Dylan leans in for it, tries his best to swallow Dylan’s cock to the base and to the point Wyatt’s got tears in his eyes! Can you blame Wyatt for loving everything about Dylan? Dylan’s our resident heartthrob – handsome, endearing, wholesome, yet happy to share his naughty side with all of us. He shares that naughty side with Wyatt here, and Wyatt loves it as much as we do!


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