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Happy New Ass – Rico Marlon & Exxtevao

The year 2021 is ending and this New Year’s Eve there’s nothing better than enjoying it with someone who really makes you horny, isn’t it? Rico Marlon decided to spend this New Year’s Eve with his hot boyfriend Exxtevao. They both have a romantic dinner, but Rico really wants dessert, but his boyfriend still doesn’t feel ready to release him. The next morning… Rico is very horny and wants so much to fuck his boyfriend’s ass, who is still afraid of not being able to give it. With many kisses and a beautiful delicious blowjob, the weather is getting hot and finally Rico manages to penetrate his succulent cock in the delicious ass of his great love. Exxtevao loves to feel the cock of his boyfriend entering and leaving his ass with ease, leaving him crazy with lust and moaning with pleasure. Rico and Exxtevao have the best sex on the first day of 2022 and enjoy every moment of this pleasure together. “Happy New Ass” is a movie to make you cum watching these two fuckers fucking very tasty this New Year.


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