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Intensive Training – Murillo Mota & Gael Mafra

Gael has a very busy routine in the big city, always working and studying hard. Therefore, he ends up not being able to take much care of his body, and has felt some pain while walking, due to the lack of physical exercise. It was then that he decided to hire Murillo, a very experienced personal trainer, to help him get back to training. Murillo provides home services, so he went to Gael’s house to teach the first class. It all started calmly, with Murillo helping Gael do some stretches. All set for training, Gael started doing squats, with his attentive personal trainer always behind him, ensuring that his posture was always correct and his spine erect… and to keep other things erect as well. Unable to hide the excitement in Gael’s ass, Murillo ended up getting a hard-on in front of the student. Gael, who is no fool, took the opportunity to check the weight of Murillo’s dumbbells and do some weight lifting. Murillo is a very competent professional, and will ensure that Gael is well looked after. His student will receive the total package: an exhausting workout that will leave him dripping with sweat, exercises for every muscle in his body, and all the necessary vitamins straight from Murillo’s nut milk.
