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On Vacation With The Uncle – Gael Mafra & Evandro Pompeu

“Alemão has been single for a short time, after divorcing his wife. Like every man, he has his needs, so he’s trying to adapt to his new single life, but he hasn’t had much luck with women, so he manages as best he can. On any given day, he’s all tense with lust and, with no company to satisfy him, so he starts jerking off to relieve his stress, when he hears the doorbell ring. When he opens the door, he gets a surprise: his nephew Gael came to spend the holidays with him earlier than planned. Alemão tells him that he expected him to arrive only the next day, so he hadn’t bought a mattress for his nephew. But Gael is no fool, and rushes to agree to share the bed with his uncle. During the night, Gael was having trouble sleeping, but his uncle was already snoring. The uncle’s dreams start to heat up, causing Alemão to confuse Gael with his ex-wife. He hugs his nephew and rubs the boy’s ass, while moaning and getting a hard-on. Gael doesn’t want to make his uncle uncomfortable, so he doesn’t say anything while he feels that male hand caressing his ass. Gael is very polite and wants to show his gratitude to his uncle, who is clearly in need of comfort, so he goes to treat Alemão’s thick cock, sucking it right down to the stalk. Alemão moans with pleasure while dreaming about the feeding, and, even after waking up and seeing that it is Gael who is making him delirious with lust, he continues to force the boy’s head to swallow his cock. But the nephew’s tongue is not enough for the greedy uncle, so he stars to rimm Gael’s smooth ass, to make him relaxed to take dick. He fucks his nephew in several positions, releasing all the accumulated lust, and making his nephew beg for his cock. When he finally cums in the little bitch, he discovers that he has found a great company for his lonely days, and a greedy ass to fuck him hard at night.
