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Alam Herrera & Kryz XXX

You already know how much we love bringing you some of the hottest sex on the planet, but none love to prove their worth as badly as Kryz. We knew Alam would be a nice guy to join him in his endeavour. We walked in on them, getting acquainted, and it was on from there. Within seconds, Kryz had his lips on Alam’s nips as he traveled toward his pits. The smell drove Kryz wild as he and Alam kissed. But they both knew a better way to use Kryz’s mouth. Alam sats back and relaxed as his boy did all the work and work he did. But Alam isn’t going to be outdone, as he went to town on his boy’s fuck hole with his tongue while slapping Kryz’s ass when needed. That was the warm-up for the pounding Alam gave his whore’s hole.


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